Category Archives: Episode 4

Grammatik, Folge Vier

Click on any of the grammar items below to review what we have learned.

Studium und Beruf – Study and Work

Practice the material by completing the exercises that follow.

Schauen Sie das Video an und beantworten Sie die Fragen.

Match the career ambition to the course of study!

Tägliche Aktivitäten – Daily Activities

Practice the material you’ve just learned by completing the exercises below.

Unsere Familie – Our Family

Einkaufen – Shopping

Here are some additional exercises for review and practice.

In your answers, use the following pattern: 99 Euro 50.

Match German and English!

Episode 4

Hi! We are now entering Folge 4 of our journey with Emma and Emil. In this episode we go shopping on the “Zeil”, one of the most well-known shopping streets in Germany. We check out specials offered by the Galeria, a popular department store in Frankfurt. We then take a look at a German family and the Dackelfamilie of Emma and Emil. Finally we learn how to talk about our daily activities and how to introduce courses of study, professions and occupations.

Viel Spaß! See you in Folge 4!